Lighting Goal Check-In

If you have read or been following along in my other blog posts you already know my goal this year was to learn off camera flash. Those that are new, Welcome! I finally overcome my fear and picked up my first strobe in January of this year. I always felt overwhelmed and intimidated by it but loved the way other photographers work looked with the lighting. I have spent countless hours learning and understanding different lighting techniques and business practices. I had the opportunity to attend a lighting workshop and learned so much. Not only did I learn a lot, I was able to network with other photographers and start to build my network of others to lean on and ask questions to when I get stuck. I realize that we are all so similar and not everyone knows it all. Sometimes it just seems that way when you look only at someone's finished product online and forget that there was likely an entire process to get to that outcome. I continue to learn and practice new skills and I have had several families trust my creative process and let their children model for me as this new level of creativity starts to form. I cannot express enough how important education and mentorship has been in this change from only natural light to OCF. Every opportunity I get I am absorbing something new with it and understanding how light hits and the relation of shadows to light. It's really quite fascinating. Here are a few shots from the first 6 months. #6monthcheckin