This year has been one for the books. I decided that this is the year to officially start my photography business and boy oh boy was it one of growth. I have been dabbling in photography for the last 10 years or so and it was time to level up my passion and share it. In the spring I filed my business legally and started my business plan to make sure when I started officially accepting clients I was squared away with legalities, payments, and all those things. I had a lot of catching up to do since I had no social media pages, web sites anything of the sort. I created my social media pages, my website and started researching and learning constantly on the costs of doing business and soooooo many more things. You guys, my head hurt! I started to set tiny goals for myself and things started to just fall into place. I knew that I had to build my portfolio and get some content out there so I went to work. I slowly started booking sessions and putting things out there and things started to catch fire. Next thing I knew I found myself in the middle of fall "busy season" with multiple sessions a week. It was crazy, never did I dream that In a few months I would have a start like I did. I felt truly blessed. I couldn't be more thankful for all the families that have trusted me this year with their photos. I look forward to what the next year entails.